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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 03/03/2011
Present:     Chairman Dave Mason; Beatrice Davis, Jerry Dougherty, IV, Selectmen
Visitors:     Office Administrator Diane Falcey, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Fire Chief/Road Agent Jay Henry, Treasurer Warren Schomaker, Tax Collector & Town Clerk Bill Botsford, Deputy Tax Collector & Town Clerk Jeanette Heidmann, Sarah Clemons, John Allen
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.
  1.  Approve minutes
  1. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 17th, 2011 The minutes of February 17, 2011 were approved as written.
  1. Police Chief Report Police Chief Meyers reviewed Department activities since the last meeting.  Some items included a call for a loose canine at a house on Tin Mine Rd; working with a domestic dispute situation as ordered by the District Court; taking a report about a window open at a home and upon investigating all was found to be okay.  There was the Covered Bridge accident; the driver was charged with negligent driving; there were four teenagers in the car and an arraignment date has been set.  Chief Meyers believes the defendant will plead out because there is no logical reason or explanation as to why he ran into the bridge.  Chief Meyers has heard from a number of businesses regarding the impact the closure of the bridge has caused so there is a case against the driver there as well.  There was another car on a cross-country ski trail and a dog complaint on Carter Notch Road.  A Stalking Order was served on an individual and they assisted the Ambulance with a sledding accident on Whitneys’ Hill.  An Inn had a guest that left the day before they were scheduled to check out without telling anyone and took a very expensive key with them.  The Inn was lucky as the couple resides in southern New Hampshire and the Department was able to light a fire under them and they made good on their charges.  Two days after a different set of guests checked out, the motel that got a negative review on Trip Advisor from them charged $100 to their credit card claiming there was damage to the room.  There was a vehicle off the road on Route 16; four false burglar alarms; a 911 hang-up; Officers assisted the State Highway Department with parked cars impeding plowing; they assisted the Ambulance with a subject that was disoriented at a restaurant; and also with an injured skater.  There was a Court appearance to prosecute a speeding ticket and the defendant no showed.  A therapeutic business in town had a guest who didn’t pay but because those folks live in New York the Department contacted the New York authorities to get this resolved.  Chairman Mason asked if this type of activity was typical for a vacation week and Chief Meyers noted while this type of activity happens infrequently it is not unusual for a vacation week.  Selectman Dougherty wondered if there are laws about cars being on the cross-country ski trails and Chief Meyers isn’t sure about a particular law regarding the trails but Jackson Cross Country could say they had to get the groomer back out after the incident for time and expenses.  This was a different location from the previous one; folks think these are roads; Chief Meyers has suggested that they put up signs that say these are trails, not roads.  This one was at Hemlock Hills.  Selectman Dougherty noted Whitneys’ Hill says “no sledding”; they discourage folks from sledding there.  Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry asked if the Police Chief or the Board had gotten an update on the sledding incident; he informed them that the situation is suspicious; the “injured” person didn’t have any injury.  Chief Meyers thought the man had a broken leg; Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry noted Rick Murnick (Ambulance Service) said the guy had all of the folks who assisted convinced that he had a major injury but it was not to the level the victim seemed to be at.  Without getting into personal stuff, there are questions about the situation.  Selectman Davis thanked Chief Meyers and his Officers for all the help given to Julie. 
a.    Increase 2011 Gas budget Chief Meyers has recommended an increase of $2,000 on the budget for fuel; Chairman Mason agrees.  Money could be moved from one place to another to cover this or funds can be added on the Town Meeting floor.  Selectman Dougherty also agrees however, he’s not sure how important it is to add this to the budget; it does show how on top of his budget Chief Meyers is.  Chairman Mason suggests the Board should leave it alone; it’s not going to go over budget as a whole but if the town needs to come up with more for gasoline the Board can move it. 
  1. Town Clerk & Tax Collector 2011 Compensation  Chairman Mason noted it has been discovered that the Town Clerk & Tax Collector pay has to be set by the Town Meeting; this was news to everybody.  He suggests that the Article be moved ahead of the Operating Budget at the Town Meeting; Selectman Dougherty is not sure the Board can do that.  The amount can be recommended but that’s as close as the town can get for setting the compensation of the Town Clerk & Tax Collector.  Selectman Dougherty will talk with Town Moderator Kelley but he’s concerned if the DRA will allow this to be moved before the Operating Budget; the ordinance says the Operating Budget has to be first on the Warrant.  Office Administrator Falcey will call the DRA.  Chairman Mason feels the Article needs to come first as the Selectmen are trying to get the budget as close as possible; he feels the budget would be closer if the Board knows how the Town Clerk & Tax Collector is to be paid.  Office Administrator Falcey thought the Board was going to discuss which method they were going to recommend even though the voters will be the body to decide the compensation.  The governing body can amend it.  Chairman Mason noted the amount paid would be the same as was paid last year; the budget hasn’t changed from last year to this year; Deputy Town Clerk & Tax Collector Heidmann noted it’s actually lower; this is line item 5 on page 78.  Chairman Mason feels the voters should know before approving the budget how they are going to compensate their Town Clerk & Tax Collector.  Chairman Mason noted the Board is recommending the change to either just salary or just hourly, removing “fees” from the equation.  Selectman Dougherty noted since the line hasn’t changed and won’t, only the payment calculation will change, there’s no reason to move this Article before the Operating Budget at the Town Meeting.  Before anything can happen the Selectmen need to amend the Article as it says this will be set by the Selectmen while in actuality it’s the voters who set the pay of the Town Clerk & Tax Collector.  It is agreed that change to the Article’s verbiage is necessary.  Chairman Mason noted the line will be the same but the recommendation would be either a salary of, say, $25,000 will be paid to the Town Clerk & Tax Collector or that the Town Clerk & Tax Collector is to be paid hourly; he just wants it in the record of how the Town wants the Town Clerk & Tax Collector to be paid and then the Selectmen will recommend either a dollar limit or X dollars per hour.  Deputy Town Clerk & Tax Collector Heidmann asked if Office Administrator Falcey found in her discussion with the LGC that an amount must be specified and Office Administrator Falcey noted we can’t change the Article to a dollar amount because there is no dollar amount in the Article now.  Chairman Mason noted setting the pay for the Town Clerk & Tax Collector hasn’t been done right forever but feels it can’t be changed this year because it’s too late.  What the Selectmen can do is recommend how much to pay so that records the Town’s approval.  The Selectmen need to recommend how much per hour but it must first be decided if the pay is to be hourly or salary then when we move onto the Operating Budget the Selectmen can ask for a recommendation for x dollars or at a rate per hour with funds to be expended from the line; it will record how the Town intends to pay.  Sarah Clemons asked if the Selectmen will have the figures for this line from previous years and was informed those figures are available; last year the amount was $20,309 including fees.  Chairman Mason would recommend it would be salary at $20,309 or hourly not to exceed $20,309; there would be no more tracking of fees.  Town Clerk & Tax Collector Botsford pointed out this amount doesn’t include the Deputy’s fees.  Chairman Mason would like to see the Town Meeting voters amend the Article first then vote on the Article with either salary without fees or hourly without fees.  He wondered how the Board would handle the recommendation without first knowing if the compensation will be hourly or salary.  Selectman Dougherty noted that since the amount of the line isn’t going to change it doesn’t matter if the Article follows the vote on the Operating Budget or not.  Selectman Mason agreed with Selectman Dougherty.
  1. Authorization to add new “Old Library Building” sub-account  to Town’s Money Market Account  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Davis, made a motion to authorize adding a new sub-account for the “Old Library Building” to the Town’s Money Market Account.  Chairman Mason asked why this is necessary; Treasurer Schomaker noted this allows work to be done and the money to be dispersed.  This motion shows authorization in the minutes.  There was no further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  1. Old Library Management Committee Appointments  There are three folks so far who have expressed an interest in being on the Committee. 
Selectman Davis, seconded by Selectman Dougherty, made a motion to appoint Joan Aubrey to the Committee.  The motion passed unanimously. 
Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Davis, made a motion to appoint Melanie Levitt to the Committee.  The motion passed unanimously. 
Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Davis, made a motion to appoint Wendy McVey to the Committee.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Eastern Slope Airport Authority Appointment (3 year term)  The ESAA still wants a representative from Jackson even though they didn’t submit a petition for funding this year.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Davis, made a motion to appoint Milton Sachse to be Jackson’s representative.  The motion passed unanimously.   
  1. Emergency Management Appointment (3 year term)  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Chairman Mason, made a motion to appoint Beatrice Davis as Emergency Management Director.  The motion passed 2-0-1 (Davis abstains).  Selectman Dougherty thanked Selectman Davis for filling this position.  Chairman Mason noted it is a big job with a lot of work.  Office Administrator Falcey noted there are a number of members on the Emergency Management Committee, Chairman Mason, Selectman Davis, Road Agent/Fire Chief Henry, Police Chief Meyers, Kim Crowther, Jim Davis, members of the Ambulance to name a few.  They spent their meeting of February 25th putting the Emergency Operation Plan together. 
  1. Following Committee Appointments Expiring March 31st  Chairman Mason noted this is information for the minutes; there are a number of Committee appointments that expire March 31st and hopefully folks will see some of these and want to take them.
  1. Planning Committee:
                                                              i.      regular member appointment (3 year term) – 3 openings
                                                            ii.      alternate member appointment (3 year term) – 2 openings
  1. Board of Adjustment:
                                                              i.      regular member appointment (3 year term) – 2 openings
                                                            ii.       alternate appointment (3 year term) – 1 opening
  1. Conservation Commission:
                                                              i.      regular member appointment (3 year term) – 3 openings
  1. Mason & Rich, P.A. Independent Account Representation Letter This letter gives Mason & Rich, PA authorization to release the official audit from 7/31/09 which will then go to the bond bank.  Office Administrator Falcey went through the letter and found nothing glaring.  The Board agreed to waive reading the letter but agreed a copy would be attached to today’s minutes.  There were no violations found and the only problems that were found are discussed in the Town Report; this is regarding Trustees and the Trust Funds.  That was the only issue there was.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Davis, made a motion to accept the Letter of Representation and to sign it so they may release the audit.  The motion passed unanimously.  This document also requires Treasurer Schomaker’s signature; Office Administrator Falcey will follow up.
  1. Selectmen’s Schedule for Election Day The Selectmen took times as able to man the polls. 
Selectman Dougherty thanked Chairman Mason for the years he’s served on the Board; Chairman Mason noted it’s been a pleasure even if he and Selectman Dougherty don’t always see eye-to-eye.
There being no further business the meeting was dissolved at 4:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Martha D. Tobin
Recording Secretary